Slovenian Theatre Institute
Mestni trg 17
SI-1000 Ljubljana
SLOGI se ukvarja z zbiranjem, ohranjanjem, dokumentiranjem, raziskovanjem, interpretiranjem, predstavljanjem in promocijo slovenske gledališke kulture, uprizoritvene umetniške dediščine ter sodobnih gledaliških praks, tako na nacionalni kot na mednarodni ravni.
"_id": "",
"csi:Map": [
"csi:Logo": [
"File:Slovenian Theatre Institute (logo).jpg"
"csi:Town": [
"SI-1000 Ljubljana"
"rdf:type": [
"Articles maintained by Editor",
"Dance archives",
"Dance archives and resources",
"Education and Research",
"EU Culture funding recipient",
"EU funding of Slovene organisations (Culture and MEDIA Programmes)",
"Exhibition organisers",
"Literature publishers",
"Music museums",
"Music museums and collections",
"National cultural institutions",
"National museums",
"Opera and music theatre",
"Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space (PQ)",
"Public entities",
"Specialised museums",
"Theatre archives",
"Theatre archives and libraries",
"Theatre & Dance",
"Theatre museums",
"Theatre publishers",
"Theatre research",
"foaf:name": [
"Slovenski gledališki inštitut (SLOGI)"
"csi:Region": [
"foaf:phone": [
"+386 / 1 241 5800"
"rdfs:label": [
"Slovenian Theatre Institute"
"swivt:page": [
"csi:Contact": [
"Slovenski gledališki inštitut (SLOGI)"
"csi:Country": [
"About Slovenia"
"csi:Page_ID": 2282,
"vcard:email": [
"csi:Category": [
"Dance archives",
"Dance archives and resources",
"Education and Research",
"EU Culture funding recipient",
"EU funding of Slovene organisations (Culture and MEDIA Programmes)",
"Exhibition organisers",
"Literature publishers",
"Music museums",
"Music museums and collections",
"National cultural institutions",
"National museums",
"Opera and music theatre",
"Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space (PQ)",
"Public entities",
"Specialised museums",
"Theatre archives",
"Theatre archives and libraries",
"Theatre & Dance",
"Theatre museums",
"Theatre publishers",
"Theatre research",
"csi:Logo_url": [
"csi:TownName": [
"csi:Has_query": [
"foaf:homepage": [
"csi:Founded_by": [
"Government of the Republic of Slovenia"
"csi:TeaserText": [
"The Slovenian Theatre Institute (SLOGI) was founded in 2014 as the successor to the National Theatre Museum of Slovenia."
"csi:Teaser_slo": [
"SLOGI se ukvarja z zbiranjem, ohranjanjem, dokumentiranjem, raziskovanjem, interpretiranjem, predstavljanjem in promocijo slovenske gledališke kulture, uprizoritvene umetniške dediščine ter sodobnih gledaliških praks, tako na nacionalni kot na mednarodni ravni."
"dc:description": [
"The [[Slovenian Theatre Institute]] (SLOGI) was founded in 2014 as the successor to the [[Depot:National Theatre Museum of Slovenia|National Theatre Museum of Slovenia]]."
"vcard:latitude": [
"vcard:locality": [
"SI-1000 Ljubljana"
"csi:Established": [
"csi:Revision_ID": 330307,
"vcard:longitude": [
"csi:Category_slo": [
"EU Financiranje",
"Javne entitete",
"csi:Page_creator": [
"rdfs:isDefinedBy": [
"vcard:postal-code": [
"csi:Youtube_account": [
"swivt:wikiNamespace": [
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"vcard:street-address": [
"Mestni trg 17"
"csi:Instagram_account": [
"swivt:wikiPageSortKey": [
"Slovenian Theatre Institute"
"csi:Related_localnames": [
"Amfiteater, revija za teorijo scenskih umetnosti",
"Knjižnica Slovenskega gledališkega muzeja"
"csi:Number_of_revisions": [
"csi:Founded_by_localname": [
"Vlada Republike Slovenije"
"csi:Modification_date-23aux": [
"swivt:wikiPageContentLanguage": [
"swivt:wikiPageModificationDate": [